Post-2015 Development Agenda: Zimbabwe hasn’t taken off
The Real Agenda For Youth Transformation Trust is concerned deeply by the Zimbabwean government on the perpetual silence and inactivity on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The Post 2015 Development Agenda is a process led by the United Nations aiming to help define the future global development framework that will succeed the Millennium Development Goals. Other nations have taken a gigantic step since the onset of the launch by the United Nations. The wake of the Post-2015 Development Agenda took the majority of the world as wave to introspect on the MDGs. Over a decade the world development process has been prescribed by the MDGs which despite having participatory flaws can never go uncelebrated. This paper rather is not concerned with the past but with the future as we are in the final months of the MDGs. We are heavily worried by the status Zimbabwe has taken on the process of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. We acknowledge a few steps towards generati...